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Microsoft //Build 2016 IoT and Big Data Track

It’s that time of year again, and in less than an hour… Microsoft will host their annual Developers Conference; //Build.

For the IoT and Big Data enthusiasts out there (and I know I’m one of them), there’s a great selection of content to follow along with…. Below is a list of the sessions and their links;

All times are in GMT, but obviously the conference is in San Francisco, so they’re working on PST, so there might be some late nights in store for some of the sessions! However, not all sessions will be streamed live… So check back often, for the recordings!

There’s multiple sittings for some sessions, and some sessions overlap, so I’ve picked out all the sessions and included the overlapping ones so you don’t miss any…

Day 1 – Wednesday 30th March;

Day 2 – Thursday 31st March (the 23:00 hour is upto you, there’s so much choice!);

Day 3 – Friday 1st April (We have a clash at 19;10!);

Have fun watching, and I hope you get as much out of it as I imagine you will!

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