Enabling MS SQL Extensions in WAMP

While working on a problem recently, I needed to enable the MS SQL extensions in WAMP. It turned out to be more complicated than simply hitting the checkbox in the Extensions menu… I found this great post which explained the process.. http://forum.ragezone.com/f724/get-wamp-work-mssql-673301/ The basic Idea is; Download ntwdblib.dll: HERE Click on the WAMP icon -> [...]

By |2013-01-24T17:26:00+00:00January 24th, 2013|SQL Server, Tips, WAMP, Web|0 Comments

Forcing html Input element to Numeric Only Input

While developing a shopping cart function for a client, I needed to restrict the user to entering numbers only in an Input fieldI came across this handy post;http://www.itjungles.com/javascript/how-to-use-javascript-to-force-numeric-value-in-textboxBasically, we need to add the following function to the JavaScript section; function isNumericKey(evt){ var charCode = (evt.which) ? evt.which : event.keyCode if (charCode > 31 && (charCode [...]

By |2017-07-24T08:33:18+01:00January 21st, 2013|HTML, Javascript, Validation, Web|0 Comments

Validating an Email Address

In order to validate an email address, use the following function; Public Function IsValidEmailAddress(ByVal EmailAddress As String) As Boolean Dim Expression As New System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("S+@S+.S+")  If EmailAddress = "" Then  Return True  Else  Return Expression.IsMatch(EmailAddress)  End If End Function

By |2013-01-07T14:00:00+00:00January 7th, 2013|.Net Framework, Validation, VB.net, Web|0 Comments

Shared Apache Server Directories require index page in order to access files from the web

For security reasons, Apache hosts enforce that, for a directory and it’s contents to be accessible from the web, the directory must contain an index.htm page. This can be overridden by adding a .htaccess file with the following lines included; ErrorDocument 401 "Unauthorized"DirectoryIndex index.php index.shtml index.html publish.htm publish.html

By |2010-11-15T10:05:00+00:00November 15th, 2010|Web|0 Comments